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Managing dependencies with the SDK

When creating new projects with the sdk.openProject and sdk.embedProject methods, you can specify which npm dependencies should be installed on startup.

The expected way to specify dependencies depends on the runtime environment.


Projects created with the template: 'node' option will use the WebContainers environment (currently on only). Projects created with a different template value will use the EngineBlock environment (available on and StackBlitz Enterprise Edition).

With WebContainers

For WebContainers project, npm will install dependencies and devDependencies from the project’s package.json file.

For those projects, you can provide your dependencies directly in the package.json file, and ignore the project.dependencies option. Here’s an example:

import sdk from '@stackblitz/sdk';

const packageJson = `{
  "name": "node-starter",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "serve public"
  "dependencies": {
    "serve": "^14.0.0"

const project = {
  title: 'Node serve demo',
  description: 'Node.js server demo using the "serve" package',
  template: 'node',
  files: {
    'package.json': packageJson,
    'public/index.html': '<h1>Hello world!</h1>',



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With EngineBlock

For EngineBlock projects, provide dependencies using the project.dependencies option. The package.json file will not be used to resolve dependencies, but it is still highly recommended to provide one so that your project can continue to work as expected when downloaded with the right devDependencies and scripts. You can customize devDependencies and other properties of package.json, but dependencies for EngineBlock are always resolved using project.dependencies instead of package.json.

Dependencies plus package.json

In the next example, we will show how to generate this project:

Screenshot of a project showing three packages in the “Dependencies” section of the sidebar, and an editor tab with the same dependencies in a package.json file.

Since we don’t want to risk having mismatched dependencies, we’ll define the package.json data first, and use that to set the project.dependencies as well.

import sdk from '@stackblitz/sdk';

const PACKAGE_JSON = {
  name: 'cool-project',
  version: '0.0.0',
  private: true,
  dependencies: {
    gsap: '^3.11.0',
    jquery: '^3.6.0',
    lodash: '^4.17.21',

const project = {
  title: 'My cool project',
  description: 'Example animation project',
  template: 'javascript',
  // REQUIRED: specify dependencies
  dependencies: PACKAGE_JSON.dependencies,
  files: {
    // Recommended: provide a package.json file with the same dependencies
    'package.json': JSON.stringify(PACKAGE_JSON, null, 2),
    'index.html': '<h1>Hello world!</h1>',
    'index.js': 'import gsap from "gsap";\n// etc.',



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Inherited dependencies

A useful but sometimes confusing feature of the project.template value is that it will retrieve an initial dependency list from a “parent” project. For instance, when using the template: 'angular-cli' option to generate an Angular project on, the dependencies and version numbers from will be used initially.

At this time, there is no way to control which project is selected as the “parent” project for a given template value.

In some cases, inherited dependencies can cause your project to show:

  • unnecessary dependencies;
  • outdated package versions.

To work around this problem, we recommend specifying all the dependencies and the version ranges your project uses with the project.dependencies option.